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What is cPanel? Navigating the hosting nightmare.

Posted by Andrew Schwartz on 25 08 2017. 0 Comments

The basics
The common server management software that allows you to monitor, modify, and control your content remotely and securely can be a bit overwhelming; but once you get in down,… READ MORE

The basics

The common server management software that allows you to monitor, modify, and control your content remotely and securely can be a bit overwhelming; but once you get in down, it will make your life a whole life easier. cPanel runs on top of your basic server software emulating a web based graphical user interface.


cPanel allows the administrator to manage users and their access, it allows FTP setup, and file browsing, security setup, zone, mx, AAA, CNAME record management, email storage, system load, database management, domain management, website optimization, and much more. The list is endless! I recommend attending their conference if you want to learn more about the functions behind cPanel.



Hosting Solutions

cPanel is commonly used with Godaddy, Bluehost, Hostgator, and many other hosting solutions including our very own Make Directory Hosting Plans. Today It’s the industry standard for all web hosting. Its simple user interface allows users full control of their system while using minimum resources.

Get Started

The best way to get started with cPanel is by understanding each aspect of the underlying functions. First start with domain pointing, forwarding and email records. That will help you with setup. As you get more confident, I’d recommend spending time with each part by clicking around and getting to know the program first hand. It’s best to begin learning on a test server or computer running cPanel instead of something that’s already in use.

If you’d like to get started with cPanel schedule a call with us or email us at [email protected], we’re happy to answer your questions and show you how to use the cPanel software on our hosting servers.

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