Our Blog

Monthly: April 2017

How to install Kodi Media Player on an old computer using Ubuntu Server

Posted by Andrew Schwartz on 28 04 2017. 0 Comments

Kodi is the same program used on all those “hacked” Kindle Fire Sticks. I won’t be showing you how to get free unlimited movie and tv access (although you can… READ MORE

Kodi is the same program used on all those “hacked” Kindle Fire Sticks. I won’t be showing you how to get free unlimited movie and tv access (although you can Google this on your own). This is ideal for anybody who likes to watch movies, or who wants a media…


Facebook F8 Reveals the Future of VR

Posted by mkdir_admin on 22 04 2017. 0 Comments

“We’re making the camera the first augmented reality platform out there,” explains Facebook’s CTO, Mike Schroepfer. It’s day two of Facebook’s F8 developer conference, and we’re seeing a glimpse of… READ MORE

“We’re making the camera the first augmented reality platform out there,” explains Facebook’s CTO, Mike Schroepfer. It’s day two of Facebook’s F8 developer conference, and we’re seeing a glimpse of the future- except the future is now and it seems like we won’t be waiting much longer (if, at all!). On the…


How to install Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS on an old computer

Posted by Andrew Schwartz on 21 04 2017. 1 Comment on How to install Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS on an old computer

This is a quick step-by-step tutorial on how to install Ubuntu Server on an old PC. This can be an easy way to have a network-attached storage device at home,… READ MORE

This is a quick step-by-step tutorial on how to install Ubuntu Server on an old PC. This can be an easy way to have a network-attached storage device at home, run a website, build a media center, host an email server, run online games, and much more. In fact, Linux…


DIY Blogging: You Can Do It!

Posted by mkdir_admin on 19 04 2017. 0 Comments

The idea of becoming a blogger sounds easy in theory. Easy, until you open your first word document and realize you’re lost for words. Writer’s block, anyone? Let’s start from… READ MORE

The idea of becoming a blogger sounds easy in theory. Easy, until you open your first word document and realize you’re lost for words. Writer’s block, anyone? Let’s start from the beginning. A blog needs to be interesting, informative, and/or relatable enough to create a real connection between you and…


Meet the Team: Alex Giavis

Posted by mkdir_admin on 16 04 2017. 0 Comments

In a time where anonymity is valued on the internet, we want to do the complete opposite. After all, complete transparency is one of our core values! At the end… READ MORE

In a time where anonymity is valued on the internet, we want to do the complete opposite. After all, complete transparency is one of our core values! At the end of this blog series, you will (hopefully) feel like you know much more about us than you ever bargained for. Without…


Should I Have a Side Hustle?

Posted by mkdir_admin on 13 04 2017. 0 Comments

The age-old question of whether or not you should have a side hustle: in this day and age, it’s not unheard of to have a project aside from your day job. In… READ MORE

The age-old question of whether or not you should have a side hustle: in this day and age, it’s not unheard of to have a project aside from your day job. In fact, a side project may even save you one day from the vast, scary sea of unemployment. Not only are you…


Man Creates iPhone From Scratch – VIDEO

Posted by mkdir_admin on 13 04 2017. 0 Comments

Ever wonder if you could make in iPhone completely from scratch? Well, for the majority of us, the quick and simple answer is that you either can’t. Or don’t want… READ MORE

Ever wonder if you could make in iPhone completely from scratch? Well, for the majority of us, the quick and simple answer is that you either can’t. Or don’t want to. Whether you’re lacking the time, skills, knowledge, funds, willpower, or all of the above, it’s just not an average…


6 Types of Instagram Posts for Beginners

Posted by mkdir_admin on 10 04 2017. 0 Comments

There’s no right or wrong way to go about Instagram, which probably makes it one of the more intimidating social media platforms to approach if you’re lacking prior experience. Luckily,… READ MORE

There’s no right or wrong way to go about Instagram, which probably makes it one of the more intimidating social media platforms to approach if you’re lacking prior experience. Luckily, if you have a solid grasp on your brand’s core message, it’s a piece of cake. To start, what you don’t